There are clear differences between the faith of the born-again and that of the nominal Christians: the former knows and believes that God has blotted out all our sins, and the latter believes in Jesus based on one’s own thoughts, merely as a matter of religious practices. Yet those who believe in God only as a religious matter are prospering so much that those who are preaching the real truth are even disheartened to see these people of wrong faith spreading their false teachings and prospering. They are disheartened because they clearly know that so many Christians have been drawn into such false religions of deception and frauds.
The main passage comes from Exodus 19:1-6. Though the passage is not long, I have much to say about it. From this passage, I...
I have great respect and admiration for the faith of Abraham shown in the Bible. When we look at Abraham’s faith, we can see...
I would like to discuss the faith manifested in the altar of burnt offering. When the people of Israel broke any of the 613...